Setting up personas in Chrome
Follow the instructions on setting up personas on Chromebooks. Whenever a feature is not available in the Chrome browser, follow the instructions below.
Instead of using High Contrast mode, install the High Contrast extension
Instead of using the magnifier, zoom in via Settings > Appearance > Page zoom: select “400%” (once per device)
Note: This will be a different experience than using the magnifier
Instead of using the ChromeVox version that comes with Chromebooks, install the ChromeVox extension
Note: This will have different shortcuts than the Chromebook version, for example, instead of ‘Search + Arrow Right/Left’ to read the next/previous text, use ‘Shift + Alt + Arrow Right/Left’ on Windows and ‘Cmd + Ctrl + Arrow Right/Left’ on Mac
Instead of using Select-to-Speak and the nOverlay extension, install the ClaroRead extension
Go to the settings and untick “Click and play”, switch to the “Overlay” tab and tick “coloured overlay” as well as choose some light yellow as the “Overlay Colour”
Note: Let text be read out by just selecting the text, no need to press ‘Search + S’