
Repository of paused projects

This repository holds links to paused project documentation that has been made public.

Government Digital Service (GDS) teams work in quarterly cycles to help us work on the highest priorities while supporting our live services. When a cycle ends, work can be paused or stopped in light of changing priorities.

When this happens, we document our findings to make it easy for the project to be continued in the future. We make public as much of this output as possible to support teams outside of GDS who are working on the same problems. This is part of our commitment to make things open.

Please note that material contained within and linked from this repository should not be considered official guidance or a recommendation from GDS. The work referred to in this repository may be incomplete, and is collected here as a reference for external teams working towards similar aims.

The projects listed may also only be partially paused, and work may be underway in other areas.

List of paused projects

Each project has a page containing an overview and links to its outputs.

Documenting a paused project

First, see the guidance listed on the paused project Trello board.

When you’ve collected your project outputs and overview:

  1. Create a page in the projects directory that contains your overview and links to your project outputs. Use the the existing examples in the directory as reference.
  2. Update the project index so users can easily find your project.


When a project gets unpaused, edit the project document and add a note at the top. Add contact details for the team who is continuing it to allow interested parties to get in touch.

This project has now been unpaused. Contact Your Name <> for more information.


Users with Alphagov access are free to make changes directly to the master branch of this repository. You do not need to create pull requests.


All content in this repository is made available under the Open Government License v3.

Links to works referenced in project pages may have different licenses. Project pages should list the license in use.