Generate self-signed certificates¶
To communicate with GOV.UK Verify you need to use keys and certificates. If you’re communicating with the GOV.UK Verify hub, your certificates must be issued by the IDAP certificate authority. If you’re communicating with the compliance tool, generate self-signed certificates as described here.
Generate self-signed certificates with OpenSSL¶
You can generate keys and self-signed certificates in whatever way is most convenient and familiar for you. There are many different formats of keys and certificates. The Matching Service Adapter (MSA) uses PKCS#8 formatted keys (.pk8) and PEM encoded X509 certificates (.crt).
The GOV.UK Verify team generally use the OpenSSL tool to do this using the guidance from the Heroku Dev Center.
Install OpenSSL if it isn’t already installed:
- OS X (with homebrew) -
brew install openssl
- Windows - download the ‘Complete package, except sources’ from
- Ubuntu Linux -
apt-get install openssl
Run the following commands in order, replacing:
with the filename of the key or certificate you’re generating - see Keys and certificates for your MSA and Keys and certificates for your service$commonName
with a description of how the certificate will be used - for example ‘My Service MSA Signing Primary’
# Generate a private key:
openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out "$name.pass.key" 2048
openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in "$name.pass.key" -out "$name.key"
# Generate a certificate signing request (CSR):
openssl req -batch -new -subj "/CN=$commonName" -key "$name.key" -out "$name.csr"
# Generate a self signed certificate:
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -in "$name.csr" -signkey "$name.key" -out "$name.crt"
# Convert the private key to .pk8 format:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in "$name.key" -out "$name.pk8" -nocrypt
# Clean up the files you don’t need anymore:
rm "$name.pass.key"
rm "$name.csr"
rm "$name.key"
Keys and certificates for your MSA¶
With the default configuration in test-config.yml
the MSA needs the following keys and certificates:
- primary signing private key and certificatetest_secondary_signing{.pk8,.crt}
- secondary signing private key and certificatetest_msa_encryption_1{.pk8,.crt}
- primary encryption private key and certificatetest_msa_encryption_2{.pk8,.crt}
- secondary encryption private key and certificate
The MSA needs primary and secondary keys to support key rotations without causing service downtime for users.
Keys and certificates for your service¶
Your service must sign SAML messages and decrypt assertions, so at a minimum you need a private key and certificate for each of these roles. Your service should support multiple encryption keys to allow for key rotations.
Depending on how your service is built you may need to provide keys and certificates in a different format, for example .jks or .pem.