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Using Smartsheet securely

As a government user you share the responsibility to keep information safe and to work securely. This guidance will help you use Smartsheet securely.

Smartsheet is a web-based project and task management tool that lets you assign work to teams or people and track progress in real time.

Securing your account

Secure your Smartsheet account by using:

If you use Office 365 or G Suite, or another service that helps you to login to applications, ask your IT team if they can connect it to Smartsheet. Use two factor authentication in that service if available.

Contact your Smartsheet administrator if you:

Protecting your data

To protect your data when using Smartsheet, make sure you:

When using Smartsheet, you should also be aware that all content can be:

Smartsheet have signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield which means they say they follow European data protection requirements for European customers. You own the data you put in Smartsheet, and their technical security is similar to other popular public cloud services.

Managing your information

Sometimes you need to refer back to information in Smartsheet. As a civil servant, you also need to keep save a permanent record at regular intervals or at the end of a piece of work.

Make sure you don’t lose content by:

You can export data from Smartsheet by:

Getting started

Ensure your account looks official and similar to other government Smartsheet accounts by:

Smartsheet uses Sheets (collaborative Gantt charts), Workspaces (sheets and uploaded files), and Sights (dashboards where you can monitor progress). Most users need to be licensed but you can add collaborators to a Sheet or Workspace without using a license.

Think about how information might look in public if it were disclosed, particularly project names, or more casual interactions like comments in sheets.

Getting help

For help using Smartsheet, you can:

Smartsheet offer support through a:

You may also access further support from your internal IT team (if you have agreed a support arrangement with them).

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